Our vision


We believe in a better world governed by the principles of integrity, both for people and the environment. A world of true transparency where, in all global supply chains, workers are rewarded and treated fairly and consumers have the right to know the true story of the products they buy.

Reward the changemakers

We strive to highlight the great work of honest organizations that produce sustainable products and whose origins can be authenticated and shared with the latest technologies.


We work to promote the digitization of companies and products by giving them a unique digital identity that allows you to highlight your origin.

Why it matters?

Everyday decision making

As individuals, we want to make the best decision when purchasing a product – starting with the quality and including the social, environmental or ethical integrity of a product. However, with the flow of information and countless labels that are displayed on the packaging today, it is difficult to make the right decision.

Shift in trust

With the shift in consumer confidence from brands to products, companies are challenged to not only manage their power and performance, but also to tie their efforts and investments into a single product.

This has traditionally been communicated through company reports, certificates and labels, often in a technical way, but which are inaccessible or of little value or importance to the consumer.

Connecting the dots

Our mission is to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future, through transparency and digital innovation. We connect the participants who want to participate in digitalization and transparency. It’s an opportunity to cooperate with other Alliance members and supply chain stakeholders, governmental and non-governmental institutions.

Our goal

Build a network

Build a network of businesses that prioritise sustainable business practices, share the values of transparency, credibility and purpose-driven vision 

Cross collaboration 

Facilitate cross-collaboration among the network members to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.


Build one of the most recognised and trusted labels that will serve as the industry benchmark for quality, transparency and credibility when it comes to communicating the real story behind the product.

Digital transformation

Utilise the latest technology (blockchain & IoT) and offer the tools to businesses to help communicate their positive impact with a single unified label (smart label).


Transparency is key

Transparency is key to capitalizing on a consumer market that’s more focused than ever on sustainability. Part of this is providing information and data on the impact caused by products, services and businesses. This data should cover a product’s entire life cycle, even before raw materials find their way to a manufacturer.

Authenticity and credibility

It is important to remember this isn’t about trying to prove you’re the most eco-friendly. It’s about being honest and open and providing customers with the ability to make their own decisions regarding the products and services they consider purchasing.


Transparency equals trust; trust is everything. There is a direct correlation between the level of trust between an organization and its customers to the health and success of that organization. Corporate sustainability isn’t about getting more plants in the office or making packaging recyclable. It’s about progressive and systemic change.

Your impact matters

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Transparency digitalized

Most trusted label

Nawi Foundation is aiming to build one of the most recognised and trusted labels that will serve as the industry benchmark to communicate positive impact, transparency and credibility.

Measuring your Impact

With growing awareness of the social and environmental challenges the world is facing today, more and more people are paying attention to what they consume, what is the impact of their purchases and the real story behind the products/brands

Beyond the package

Becoming a more sustainable brand is a big investment in time and money, therefore it is important to have a credible and engaging way of communicating the positive impact with your end-consumer.